Dr. Patrick Teefy MD FRCP
Interventional Cardiologist, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada
The manuscript presents the experience of cardiac diagnostic and invasive therapeutic procedures availability increasing by example of The Ontario model for Cardiac Care / CorHealth Network to maintain and improve medical care for large population and geographic region. New PCI-capable hospitals were created across the province of Ontario and new management guideline for STEMI patients were introduced for the improvement of medical care access and it`s outcomes.
ключевые слова: province of Ontario, PCI-capable hospitals, STEMI

для цитирования: Dr. Patrick Teefy MD FRCP. Coordination and surveillance of inter-regional cardiovascular care: the Ontario model, Canada. Neotlozhnaya kardiologiya i kardioovaskulyarnye riski [Emergency cardiology and cardiovascular risks], 2019, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 601–604


for references:

1. Pagiamtzis J., Kingsbury K. Creating Collaboration Out of Chaos: The Experience and Evolution of the Cardiac Care Network. 20 years of the Cardiac Care Network in Ontario: Past, Present and Future : National Healthcare Leadership Conference, Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg, June 8, 2010.
2. CorHealth Ontario is an entity formed by the 2016 merger of the Cardiac Care Network of Ontario (CCN) and the Ontario Stroke Network (OSN) [electronic resource]. Available at: https://www.corhealthontario.ca/what-we-do/annual-reports
3. Recommendations for best-practice STEMI management in Ontario [electronic resource]. Cardiac Care Network, 2013, 146 p. Available at: https://www.corhealthontario.ca/Recommendations-for-Best-Practice-STEMI-Management-in-Ontario-(6).pdf.
4. Management of acute coronary syndromes : best practice recommendations for remote communities [electronic resource]. Cardiac Care Network, 2013, 38 p. Available at: https://www.corhealthontario.ca/ACS-management-in-remote-communities-FINAL-Sept-2013.pdf.
5. Cardiac Care Network of Ontario Ontario STEMI Bypass Protocol [electronic resource]. Cardiac Care Network, 2015, 9 p. Available at: https://www.corhealthontario.ca/Ontario-STEMI-Protocol-2015.pdf.
6. Tu J.V., Ko D.T., Guo H., Richards J.A., Walton N., Natarajan M.K., Wijeysundera H.C., So D., Latter D.A., Feindel C.M., Kingsbury K., Cohen E.A. Determinants of variations in coronary revascularization practices. CMAJ, 2012, vol. 184, no. 2, pp. 179–186. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.111072.
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